
🚩2022    Living a Dark Night, Gallery Espace, New Delhi

🚩2021    ‘Summer Show’, CIMA art gallery, Kolkata

                ‘Quarantime’ Studio 4, Mumbai

                5th Dooars Annual International

🚩2020    Art: Bengal Now, Dhoomimal Art Center, New Delhi

                ‘Perseverance’ Ampas Art Gallery, New Delhi

                ‘Community of shared future’ Yunnan Arts University, China

🚩2019    ‘Weitere Weiterreichung’ show, Berlin

                ‘Dialogue En Route’, Art Konsult, New Delhi

                ‘RPG art camp 2019 show’ CEATt mahal, Mumbai

                ‘A tribute to martyrs of Pulwama’ Sarjan Art Gallary, Vadodara

                ‘Pagdandi’ Faculty of Fine Arts Gallery, Vadodara

🚩2018    ‘First light 2, Kalasrot Art Gallery, Lucknow

                ‘Vintage Modern’ Sarjan Art Gallery, Vadodara

                Trial & Error 4, Faculty of Fine Arts Gallery, Baroda

🚩2017    ‘Chai and the City’ Pickford’s House Museum, Derby, UK

                Hub 9 , Faculty of Fine Arts Gallery,

                Forking paths, Faculty of Fine Arts Gallery, Baroda

🚩2016    (Un)reality & Space. Yep art , Bangalore

                ‘Eclectique’ Gandhara Art Gallery, Kolkata

                A new space, Nazar Art gallery, Baroda

            111 Platographic Expressions, Jahangir Art Gallery, Mumbai

                Graphic Culture, Sarjan Art Gallery, Baroda

                Wood cut show with Japanese water base technique, Fine Arts Gallery, Baroda

🚩2015    Mini Print Goa 2015, Sanskruti Bhavan Art gallery, Panaji

                Omg, Gender & Sexuality, Gallaria M, Kolkata

                CIMA award show, CIMA Gallery, Kolkata

                ‘Pathfinders’ Vadfest 2015, Faculty of Fine Arts, Baroda

                Papyras Indic, Vadfest 2015, May fair Art Gallery, Baroda

                Summer Show, Cima gallery, Kolkata

                Statuettes & Trinkets, Hub 8, Faculty of Fine Arts Gallery, Baroda

                The Print Show, Ginipi Art, Ahmadabad

                Wall of Solidarity, Gallery Beyond, Mumbai

                Sancity an experiment with wood, Gufa Gallery, Ahmadabad

                North-East Printmaking Show, Lalit Kala Akademi, Lucknow

🚩2014    Feb Show, Red Earth Gallery, Baroda

                Papyras, Galleria M, Kolkata

                Trial and Error 3, Faculty of Fine Arts Gallery, Baroda

🚩2013    100 years of Indian Cinema, Sarjan Art Gallery, Baroda

                Card-o-Logy, Samsara Art, Mumbai

                Shrom o Shramik, Ganges Art Gallery, Kolkata

🚩2012    Enduring Legacy, Gallery Akar Prakar @ ICCR, Kolkata

                Metropolitan Discourse, The Gallery, Amdavad ni Gufa, Ahmedabad.

                Small is Beautiful, Tao Art Gallery, Mumbai

🚩2011    Enduring Legacy,Galerie Neumeister, Munich & Tagore Centre, Berlin

                Fly Baroda Fly, Red Earth Gallery, Baroda

🚩2010    Art Celebrates, Commonwealth Games, New Delhi

                India meets Bharat, CIMA gallery, Kolkata

                Untitled 2010, Art Konsult, New Delhi

                10 x 10 , Gallery Threshold, New Delhi

                Evolve, Tao Art Gallery, Mumbai

                Irreverent Gene, Crimson Art, Bangalore

                Trial & Error, Faculty of Fine Arts Gallery, Baroda

🚩2009    Urban Discord, Visual Arts Centre, Hongkong

                Review, CIMA Gallery, Kolkata

                Think Small, Art Alive, New Delhi

                1 x 1 India, Mumbai

                India art summit 09, Art Alive & Akar Prakar, New Delhi

🚩2008    Freedom, CIMA, Kolkata & Museum Gallery, Mumbai

                Spring Online Auction,

                Ethos 4, Indigo Blue Art Gallery, Singapore

                Trends and Trivia, Visual Arts Center, Hongkong

🚩2007    Reality Bytes, Three Persons Show, CIMA, Kolkata

                Emerging India, Henry Moore Gallery, Royal College Of Art, London

                British Scholars Exhibition, Lanxess ABS Gallery, Baroda

                Singapore Art Fair with Gallery Threshold, Singapore

🚩2006    New Paradigms Iii, Gallery Threshold, New Delhi

                Nomenclature, Who’s Who, Lanxess ABS Gallery, Baroda

                The Indian Art Show, Arushi Arts, Nehru Centre, London

                Art for Concern, Auction Of Contemporary Indian Art, Bangalore

🚩2005    Detour, Galerie 88, Mumbai

                New wave In Bengal Art, Gallery Akar Prakar, Kolkata

🚩2004    Tribute To Bhupen Khakhar, Tao Art Gallery, Mumbai

                6th Bharat Bhavan International Print Biennale, Bhopal

🚩2003    F N F N, Auction By Navile Tuli, N.C.P.A., Mumbai

                4th Egyptian Print Triennale, Egypt

🚩2002    Voices against Violence, Fine Arts Faculty Gallery, Baroda

                Don’t Ask Me Why, Nazar Art Gallery, Baroda

🚩2001    The Cabinet Paintings, GPS Gallery, Glasgow

                Christmas Show, GPS Gallery, Glasgow

                Kitsch Kitsch Hota Hai, Gallery Espace, New Delhi

🚩2000    Beyond the Surface, Gallery Espace, New Delhi & Fine Art Company,                                 Mumbai

                Group Show, Galerie 88, Kolkata

                The Harmony Show, Mumbai

🚩1999    Made In India, Gallery Gauche, Paris

                Let’s See, Gallery Lakeeren, Mumbai

🚩1998    41st National Exhibition of Art, Lalit Kala Akademy, New Delhi